Monday, March 24, 2014

Eleanor & Park Book Review

Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell

Eleanor is the new girl at school who tries to become invisible, but her bright red hair and quirky goodwill clothes make her the target of bullying. Her home life is a disaster with an abusive step-father and younger siblings that need protecting.

Park stands out as the only Asian-looking kid in school. His mom is Korean and his dad is American. His younger brother got his dad's height and American looks, but Park is short and looks like his mom. He feels he’s not living up to what his father wants him to become.

Together Eleanor & Park form an unlikely friendship on the bus when she's caught reading his comic books over his shoulder. They bond over comic books and music. Soon their friendship turns to romance over the course of the school year. Eleanor finds refuge at Park's house with his understanding family, but they know their romance can't last with her horrific home life.

This quirky, first-love romance story is set in the 1980's and told from the alternating perspectives of Eleanor and Park. I enjoyed Rowell's juxtaposition of the parents' marriages. Park's parents portray people from separate cultures who overcome the odds due to their overwhelming love for one another while Eleanor's mom and stepfather are in a highly combustive relationship. A quick read, with wonderfully descriptive language. I enjoyed the romance of the lead characters, but kept waiting for tragedy to strike the closer I got to the end.

1 comment:

  1. I am reading her other book, Fan Mail, and it's really good, too. It's about a girl, who is a twin separated from her more outgoing sister now that they are Freshmen in college. She is an avid Simon Snow fan and writes stories about him that lots of people are following online. So far, it's a great story.

    What are other people reading? Let us know!! Post to this awesome blog and let's start talking about stories and authors, movies, and other fun things :)

    Mrs. Jordan


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